Thursday, 19 March 2020

BTO2 19/03/2020

Good morning dear students. I hope you are feeling well and you are coping with the lockdown in good health and good spirits.
First of all, I want to say that the assignments I give you should help you learn and improve, but you mustn't get obsessed or hard-pressed because of them. You are spending the whole of your time at home, so it is good to have regular activities to do, and to establish a routine that helps you spend your days with some stability. Academic activity is good for that, but please, please, don't feel overwhelmed becasue of my assignments, as there is total flexibility to do them. Keep yourselves busy, devise a daily routine, do the assignments (English or any) for yourselves, not for your teachers. If you feel tired, take a rest, if you feel lonely, call a friend or someone in your family. Handing in assignments must do YOU good, because YOU are what really matters.

Now into business...
First and foremost, I have read that the PEvAU is to be delayed, so you needn't worry about missing out contents. No date has been established, and it is understandable because nobody knows when things will go back to normal (or thereabouts)

Today I will give you some work. Remember that there is no deadline to hand in these assignments. Do them at your own pace, and don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions.

1.- This is a link to an online version of the voluntary reading book "My Cousin Rachel". If you are planning to try and get the extra point in your grade, you can start reading it. Click on the link to get it.


2.This is a PEvAU test. It is a model test issued by the University of Seville so that you can practise. Remember to do it in 90 minutes tops. I will publish the correction key next Monday.

PEvAU: Influencers (new)

See you.

Stay safe. Stay home.


  1. Jose Ángel no sé si usted ha subido mal el archivo o es cosa de mi dispositivo pero al intentar abrir el documento de PBAU se me abre el archivo del libro de nuevo.

  2. Buenas tardes José Ángel, no se si es un error en mi dispositivo o no, pero al pinchar en el enlace de "Pevau: Influencers" se me abre automáticamente el enlace de arriba, el de la lectura voluntaria, cuando debería abrirse la prueba de Pevau.

    1. I'm sorry, I made a mistake when creating the link. It is OK now.

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