Saturday, 20 September 2014

Revision of Tenses

Dear Students, Here you have a few exercises to revise the use of the tenses. Please, use the notes I published for reference. Please, note that you DON'T HAVE TO DO PART 2, which deals with the uses of the gerund and the infinitive (we will do that soon, but not just now).
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Dear students, Here is a reading text for you to do during my absence. Please, read it carefully and try to answer all the activities.
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Wednesday, 17 September 2014

PAU British Red Cross

Dear students, Here is the PAU test we are working on in class. Please, print a copy and bring it to our next lesson.
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Tuesday, 16 September 2014


My dear students, Here is a summary of verb tenses in English. You can use it for reference when completing the exercises I will propose, or to revise.
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