Monday, 29 April 2013

PAU The Greenhouse effect.

Here is a PAU type Test about the greenhouse effect. Please do it at home and we will work on it in class next week.
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Friday, 26 April 2013

What would you do if...

Hello. Here, you have to write two paragraphs answering these two questions. a) What would you do if you were a millionaire? b) What would you do if you were absolutely broke (that is, if you had no money at all)? (Imagine your parents can't help you because they have moved to a remote part of the desert in Australia) Bye!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Relative clauses.

Here you have some exercises on relatives.
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Friday, 19 April 2013

2nd Bto. Speaking topics for 3rd term.

Hello. Here are the topics you must use for the speaking test. Please, publish a comment to let me know who is going to deal with each of them.
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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Conditional Sentences

Here are the exercises on conditionals. Please, download them, as we will be using them soon.

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Friday, 12 April 2013

Have we met before?

This is a listening about introducing yourself. Do it and then leave a comment to let me know how many answers you got right.



Medical Advice

Here is a listening about medical advice. Please, do it and then tell me how many answers you got right in a comment here in the blog.



Listening for 2nd Bto.

Hello guys. Here's a listening you can do. Please, after you do it, leave a comment and tell me how you did.


I hope you profit from it.


Friday, 5 April 2013


Hello students. Here is the survey. I hope you all remember to answer it so we can discuss it on thursday. Bye!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

1st Bachillerato Picture Description.

Hi there! Here you can publish your descriptions of the pictures. Read the instructions below: 1.- Copy and paste the link so I can see the picture. 2.- Write your description. 3.- Remember to write your name if you don't log in. See you.

4th ESO Picture Description

Hello students! Here you can publish your descriptions of the pictures. Read the instructions below: 1.- Copy and paste the link so I can see the picture. 2.- Write your description. 3.- Remember to write your name if you don't log in. Bye.