Sunday, 24 February 2013


I have chosen a listening abour one of the most widely popular leisure activities in Britain: DIY. The phrase "Do It Yourself" is used to refer to a trend of people undertaking home improvement and other small craft and construction projects as both a creative, recreational and cost-saving activity. Long before the advent of Leroy-Merlin here in Spain, the British have had shops that specialise in DIY, such as B&Q or Homebase for a long time now.

Listen to the recording and do the activities. Then publish a comment to let me know how well you've done.


Good bye.

LISTENING: English Pubs.

Here is a listening telling us about an important aspect of British culture: Pubs. In Britain, pubs are not places where young people go to listen to music and dance. To do that, young people go "clubbing", that is, they go to clubs (the word "discotheque" is not used very often now). Actually, the word "pub" is short for "public house", because originally they were just that, houses where all the villagers could go, sit by the fire, play darts or have something to eat and drink. Nowadays they are more like bars and restaurants, where you can have a pint of beer or eat fish and chips, but they are still a place where the people in the area meet and socialise.

Click on the link below, do the listening and publish a comment telling me how you've done.


See you.

Listening: Buying a sandwich

Hello boys and girls. Here is a new listening. This time it is a boy who wants to buy a sandwich. Click on the link below and do the listening online. Please, remember to publish a comment telling me how you have scored.



Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Here are the topics for the speaking test this term. Please, select one and make a class list stating which topic each one of you has chosen, just as you did for the first term.
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Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. Bye now!


With permission from my colleague Mª Oliva Domínguez, we are going to use the following topics for our speaking test in this second term. You have to choose one topic and prepare a presentation individually or in pairs (remember that you will be assessed individually). When you have chosen the topic, please let me know so all of them are covered.
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If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. Bye|

Monday, 11 February 2013

Passive voice exercises.

Hello guys! Here are the passive exercises I promised I'd post. (I did it!!!) Do them and we will correct them and solve your doubts in class. As usual, you can print or copy the pages. Remember that you have to log into issuu if you want to print or download them.
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Bye now.

Monday, 4 February 2013


We have worked on inventions in class. But inventions have existed for a long time, as you can see in this vedeo from the Middle Ages. It is quite a funny video, so I hope you'll enjoy it. Bye now.