Thursday, 26 December 2013

Reading text.

Here is a reading text for Christmas. Please, read it and then do the exercises that go with it.

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Sunday, 15 December 2013

A Christmas Carol

Here is a Christmas Carol that I really like. It is a Little too long, but it is worth it.

The first video is a traditional version of the song. Check it

Now, a more modern versión, which is my favouorite

If you are interested in the christian interpretation of the song, visit this website:


I hope you like them. Jose Angel

Friday, 6 December 2013


Here are the topics from which you have to choose in order to prepare your presentation for the first term. We will distribute them in class during our next lesson.


Monday, 18 November 2013


Here are some exercises on modal verbs, please, print them and do them. We will correct them in class.
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See you!!

Wednesday, 6 November 2013


Here are the notes on modal verbs. Please, download and study it so we can discuss it tomorrow. It is somewhat different from the information in you grammar booklet (back cover of the text book).

Monday, 14 October 2013

Dear students, here is another link for the uses of some, any, a and an. If you are wondering, YES, YOU HAVE TO COPY THE SENTENCES.

 Here is the link.


Bye bye.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Here are the notes on the uses of the gerund and the infinitive. Please, print them and bring them to class so we can continue to work on this.
See you

Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Here is your homework. Please do it in your notebook, so we can correct it in class. Here is the link:


Thursday, 3 October 2013

PAU for 2nd Bachillerato

Hello students, here is the PAU test for you to practise. Remember to do it in 90 minutes without using a dictionary.

and here is the answer sheet. You may use it or not, as you please. Bye bye.

Friday, 20 September 2013

Hello students. Here are the exercises to revise the use of the different tenses. Let's see how well you can do... Please, don't hesitate to check all the contents of the blog, I'm sure you will find some interesting things. Bye.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Homework for 1st ESO B

Good afternoon, boys and girls. This is your homework today. Please, download and print this sheet. Then look at the objects and write the correct number next to the names of the objects. We will correct this worksheet in class.
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See you tomorrow!

Monday, 13 May 2013

It may be ironic, but this comic represents the situation of many researchers in Spain.


Here are some exercises so you can practise the passive voice.
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Please, do them at home and don't hesitate to ask me any doubts you may have. Bye!

Friday, 10 May 2013


Here is a compilation of PAU exercises. Please, do them.
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Monday, 6 May 2013

Solutions for Relative clauses.

Here are the solutions to the exercises on relatives. Please, don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have about them.
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Sunday, 5 May 2013

Solutions to Conditional sentences.

Here are the solutions to the exercises on conditional sentences. Please, check your answers and ask me any doubts you may have. Bye!

Monday, 29 April 2013

PAU The Greenhouse effect.

Here is a PAU type Test about the greenhouse effect. Please do it at home and we will work on it in class next week.
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Friday, 26 April 2013

What would you do if...

Hello. Here, you have to write two paragraphs answering these two questions. a) What would you do if you were a millionaire? b) What would you do if you were absolutely broke (that is, if you had no money at all)? (Imagine your parents can't help you because they have moved to a remote part of the desert in Australia) Bye!

Monday, 22 April 2013

Relative clauses.

Here you have some exercises on relatives.
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Friday, 19 April 2013

2nd Bto. Speaking topics for 3rd term.

Hello. Here are the topics you must use for the speaking test. Please, publish a comment to let me know who is going to deal with each of them.
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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Conditional Sentences

Here are the exercises on conditionals. Please, download them, as we will be using them soon.

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Friday, 12 April 2013

Have we met before?

This is a listening about introducing yourself. Do it and then leave a comment to let me know how many answers you got right.



Medical Advice

Here is a listening about medical advice. Please, do it and then tell me how many answers you got right in a comment here in the blog.



Listening for 2nd Bto.

Hello guys. Here's a listening you can do. Please, after you do it, leave a comment and tell me how you did.


I hope you profit from it.


Friday, 5 April 2013


Hello students. Here is the survey. I hope you all remember to answer it so we can discuss it on thursday. Bye!

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

1st Bachillerato Picture Description.

Hi there! Here you can publish your descriptions of the pictures. Read the instructions below: 1.- Copy and paste the link so I can see the picture. 2.- Write your description. 3.- Remember to write your name if you don't log in. See you.

4th ESO Picture Description

Hello students! Here you can publish your descriptions of the pictures. Read the instructions below: 1.- Copy and paste the link so I can see the picture. 2.- Write your description. 3.- Remember to write your name if you don't log in. Bye.

Monday, 18 March 2013


Here are the notes on connectors.
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And here the exercises you have to do(2º Bto E)
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See you.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

PAU Granny

Here is the PAU test for next monsay. Enjoy!!

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Sunday, 3 March 2013


New technologies bring with them a new ways of speaking. It is well known that when writing text messages in mobile phones, we often make use of unsual spelling which may even make it difficult to understand those messages. Here is comic about one of those typical expressions.

Do you know what "LOL" means? If you do, post a comment telling us.


Sunday, 24 February 2013


I have chosen a listening abour one of the most widely popular leisure activities in Britain: DIY. The phrase "Do It Yourself" is used to refer to a trend of people undertaking home improvement and other small craft and construction projects as both a creative, recreational and cost-saving activity. Long before the advent of Leroy-Merlin here in Spain, the British have had shops that specialise in DIY, such as B&Q or Homebase for a long time now.

Listen to the recording and do the activities. Then publish a comment to let me know how well you've done.


Good bye.

LISTENING: English Pubs.

Here is a listening telling us about an important aspect of British culture: Pubs. In Britain, pubs are not places where young people go to listen to music and dance. To do that, young people go "clubbing", that is, they go to clubs (the word "discotheque" is not used very often now). Actually, the word "pub" is short for "public house", because originally they were just that, houses where all the villagers could go, sit by the fire, play darts or have something to eat and drink. Nowadays they are more like bars and restaurants, where you can have a pint of beer or eat fish and chips, but they are still a place where the people in the area meet and socialise.

Click on the link below, do the listening and publish a comment telling me how you've done.


See you.

Listening: Buying a sandwich

Hello boys and girls. Here is a new listening. This time it is a boy who wants to buy a sandwich. Click on the link below and do the listening online. Please, remember to publish a comment telling me how you have scored.



Wednesday, 13 February 2013


Here are the topics for the speaking test this term. Please, select one and make a class list stating which topic each one of you has chosen, just as you did for the first term.
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Don't hesitate to ask me if you have any questions. Bye now!


With permission from my colleague Mª Oliva Domínguez, we are going to use the following topics for our speaking test in this second term. You have to choose one topic and prepare a presentation individually or in pairs (remember that you will be assessed individually). When you have chosen the topic, please let me know so all of them are covered.
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If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me. Bye|

Monday, 11 February 2013

Passive voice exercises.

Hello guys! Here are the passive exercises I promised I'd post. (I did it!!!) Do them and we will correct them and solve your doubts in class. As usual, you can print or copy the pages. Remember that you have to log into issuu if you want to print or download them.
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Bye now.

Monday, 4 February 2013


We have worked on inventions in class. But inventions have existed for a long time, as you can see in this vedeo from the Middle Ages. It is quite a funny video, so I hope you'll enjoy it. Bye now.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Customs Office

Here is a video to practise the dialogue at the customs office. Watch the first half of the video so you get familiar with the situation. Bye.

Monday, 21 January 2013


Here is a PAU test. please, do it at home, and we will correct it in class. Try to do it in just 90 minutes, so you practice the real situation.
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Thursday, 17 January 2013


Here is a listening about breakfast. What do you usually have for breakfast? Do the listening and tell me how many answers you got right.


A traffic ticket

We have studied vocabulary related to crimes in class. In this listening, a driver has broken the law... What has he done?


Shopping for the day

When you go shopping you don't necessarily have to buy clothes. In this case, A little girl is buying a present for... who is she buying a present for? Do the listening and let me know in a comment how many correct answers you've been able to get.


Monday, 14 January 2013

Reported Speech practice

Here are some extra exercises to practise Reported Speech.

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And some more
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Shall we go to the movies?

Here I have included some movie clips. They are actually from some of my favourite films, and we are going to use them to practise reported speech. Here's the task for you:

1.- Read the introduction to each clip, so you understand the situation in case you haven't seen the film.

2.- Watch the clip trying to understand what happens in the scene. Make notes if necessary. Don't worry if you don't understand every single word in the scene.

3.- Turn what characters say into reported speech. You may not understand every single word, but remember that in rpoerted speech we don't need to quote what people say, you have to report the same message, not the same words.

Here is the first clip.The two men in bloody clothes are Vincent Vega and Jules Winfield, two gangsters. They are in Jimmy's house because they have a problem. Earlier, they were driving another man in the backseat of their car when Vincent accidentally shot him in the head and killed him. The car is full of blood and chunks of brain and skull, not to speak of the corpse without a head. They decided to go to Jimmy's house before the police stopped them. But Jimmy's wife, Bonnie, doesn't know that her husband has relations with gangsters, and she will come back home in 40 minutes, so they call a man whose job is "to solve problems": The Wolf. In this scene, the Wolf is giving them instructions in order to get the car out of the house before Bonnie arrives without calling the attention of the police.

In this second clip, There are three characters, but only two speak. Flynn Rider, a highwayman and robber who is running away from two other thiefs he has tricked, has entered the tower where Rapunzel lives as a prisioner of her mother (she is not her real mother, but she stole her when she was a baby because her magic hair keeps her young). Rapunzel hit Flynn in the head, tied him to a chair and hid his satchel, where he has a jewel he has stolen. She is very curious about the lanterns that once a year fill the sky, so she wants to go and see them and find out what they are. But she has never got out of the tower, so she wants Flynn to be her guide.

In the third clip, William Thacker, a bookshop owner, runs into Anna Scott, who is a Hollywood star, but William doesn't know.

This is the last clip. Here, Colin, a young English man, tries to flirt with a girl.